Tuesday, April 13, 2010

it's tuesday!

Rambling: So today is the day that the new Sean Mcconnell comes out. Problem being it's not on itunes so I had to order it. It ships out today, so i'll get it in a couple of days!! :) Also, GLEE comes back on tonight. I for one am freakin' excited, I am a huge Gleek! Other things are happening today, but you know....it's all chill. Mmhmm, yep sure enough. I don't know what i'm going to do for the next couple of hours, but i'll find something. I want all of you to know that I am super paranoid about my computer getting dirty. It happens with a white computer though. I'm thinking about investing in some kind of wipes or maybe a magic eraser? Anyway, just thought you should know. I really need to do laundry! It's piling up to the ceiling, but I am just far too lazy.

Now down to business:
I woke up this morning smelling my dad. Isn't that weird? I just kept laying there thinking, "why does it smell like Dad in here?" Then I had the craziest and I mean CRAZIEST revelation about it. God pretty much said..."Well, i'm your Father, but you don't identify a specific smell with me. You do have one that you identify your earthly Father. I wanted you to know that your Heavenly Father is all around you today. Every time you smell your Dad today, know that my touch is with you. I am with you in every breath you take and in every word you say." I know that is by far one of the strangest things to happen, but it means more to me than I know how to explain to you. God is with me and I know he is watching over me. At the most random times today, I get the biggest whiff of that scent and I know God is working! I am so thankful that he is next to me, I love him so much.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I hope your day is full of the fragrance and touch of your Heavenly Father.


1 comment:

  1. How delightful, thanks for sharing!!! I def. just by thinking about it can identify dad's smell :) it's cool to think about the fragrance of the Lord..That was actually on my heart today too except it was with flowers and EVERY time i would smell the spring flowers the Lord would remind me of his presence :)
