Saturday, April 24, 2010

chances are waiting to be taken....

This weekend started off interesting. Mom and Dad skipped town to visit the eldest of their children and I was left to fend for myself. Luckily, my cooking and cleaning skills are top notch, so everything went without a hitch. ;) I cooked a delicious alfredo sauce and poured it over penne. A salad and some bread tied it all together and it was all just perfect. Later that night I had some midnight pancakes, which i also made myself. I was becoming quite the little Martha Stewart. I woke up relatively early and went into Helping Hands. Today was my day to volunteer! It was so great being there and praying with people, it was awesome! Then my little piece of bliss ended when the parents returned home, but of course I love them and wasn't TOO bummed to see them ;). I'm glad to see they had a good time! So, then I went and saw Remember Me with a few friends. I didn't think I would like it AT ALL, but it was actually decent. I'm not going to lie, it was COMPLETELY different than what I expected. I thought it was a great story though. Tonight, I've just hung around the house and spent time with the parents, they're pretty great. As for tomorrow, it looks like it's going to be a busy busy day! :) I'm excited because the Grims from Mexico are here and will be speaking at church! I can't tell you how wonderful it will be to have them here! I feel like tomorrow is going to be the day that things in life begin to shift and I start to see some breakthrough. At least, I'm believing it by faith!! I hope you all had a great weekend!


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