Tuesday, April 6, 2010

health kick-day 2

So today was day 2 of my health kick...(if you didn't gather that from the title of this post) I feel very accomplished. I ate pretty light today and of course went running again. Running was a little bit easier today. You know my favorite thing about running? When people pass me they always give me that friendly/neighborly nod. It just makes my life better.

Speaking of my life being better. Today was a good day, for the most part. I had a lot of things released and I know the Lord is working on A LOT inside of me. It's refreshing and exciting! My cousin also came in and told me how much he loves and misses me (even though its only been 2 days since i've seen him). It just MADE MY DAY. I have decided you can NEVER be told you are loved enough. It's just like water to a dry desert of a soul.

Tomorrow, I'm planning to eat more. I didn't eat enough today and that's just not smart. Plus, my stomach is about to eat itself now that it's 11:26, but I am resisting! I will drink water....yuck.

Hope all of you had a great Tuesday! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud! :) glad you had a good day.and were told you were loved. It's true you can never be told enough!
