Saturday, December 5, 2009

"he will be even better...."

So, today I spent my day watching Christmas movies. I watched two that starred Neil Patrick Harris: "The Christmas Blessing" and "The Christmas Wish". Now, I have this hilarious habit of "imdb-ing" every actor in almost every movie I watch. I guess I just want to know more about the people behind the characters. So I'm watching these movies...bawling my little hazel eyes out and thinking to myself "Dear Jesus, please let me have a man like that one day......" but for some reason I just kept hearing.."yours will be even better.. he will be even better" I kept laughing it off thinking "try that one on for size...thats what you call WISHFUL THINKING." Then in my quest of "imdb-ing" Neil Patrick Harris, I discovered a major thing that probably most people know....he's gay. I groaned in agony and vented for about two minutes to myself how all the good ones are gay or old and I need to become a hollywood missionary and get these people in line. Then it hit me. He's one HECK of an actor....I would have NEVER guessed. All of the parts he plays, he plays straight and he's stinkin good at it. But then I thought...aren't we all good actors. There are so many people that we see in our daily lives or that we even know that are SO good at what they are pretending to be. Then I realized that I hope those words "he will be even better" are true. I want someone who isn't a good actor. I want someone who is the worst actor in the world, who cannot hide who they are or what their feeling at all. I want someone that is one of those people that "what you what you get." People like that are so rare these days. Then I realized, I want to be one of those people as well. I want to be a person that is exactly who I portray myself to be... or rather that I always portray myself exactly as I am.

So, will my husband be as good looking as Neil Patrick Harris? Dear Lord, I hope so. But it just goes to show that our defintion of "amazing..or the best.." or our standards or current desires are not always the best. Sometimes, God shows up and allows us to "imdb" someone and see their true colors and who they are. It's then that we realize one day God will bring his perfect will for our lives and to us..."he will be even better....."

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