Sunday, August 23, 2009

Talk about BAD timing.

They say timing is everything. I personally think it's hilarious that i'm writing this at 4:34 am and I have to be up in about 4 and 1/2 hours to go to church, but nevertheless...i'd like to discuss BAD timing.

I think I can speak from experience when I say I know something about BAD timing. Just recently (like within the last 10 minutes) I have learned an entire new definition of the concept "bad timing." I've been praying through this INSANELY crazy situation in my life....and just seeking and FINALLY answers are coming and breakthrough is close and I receive a text message that is intended to complicate it ALL. And it has, for a moment, and I am wondering..WHY NOW? WHY ALL OF A SUDDEN? Why would God allow such a thing to happen just as I am on the edge of breakthrough? I wish I knew. Maybe to teach me something, maybe as a test.. I don't know and I won't pretend to understand his mysterious ways. I do know this though, that I cannot waiver on truth and what is right..regardless of any texts or anything else that happens. I know that I cannot let any feelings be swayed because of anything like that.. but I know this, what BAD TIMING to get such a text. It's one of the many things I love about a lot of the people in my life..they all have EXCEPTIONALLY BAD TIMING. I wish I could convey how true this is. It's almost as if some of them are PROGRAMMED to know when it would be MOST inconvenient to come to me..and they PURPOSEFULLY decide to execute their "plans" then. You have no idea how often this happens to me. It's almost humorous to me now. I guess I will have to address this situation when I awake in 4 and 1/2 hours and I will deal with it then. Until that time, I just wanted to vent for a moment.

God's timing is perfect. No doubt about that.
And he knows everything that will happen, before it happens......right? must conclude he knew this would happen..
Meaning: He has some kind of plan.

I believe that. I have to believe that.

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