Friday, August 14, 2009

sleeping the day away....

My morning started off at 11:00 and I woke up and realized that I had nothing to do today. I rolled back over and went back to sleep. I woke up several more times before pulling myself out of bed at 1:30, Pathetic... I know! When I finally crawled out of bed this morning. I went trapzing into the kitchen to get my "first thing when i wake up soft drink" (don't was diet! So that makes it more respectable...right??) and my mother comes to me and hugs me saying, "There she is! She's awake... My friend! There's my friend!" I know I must have looked at her like she was a few crayons short of the full box, but it was an odd thing to say. Anyway, it made me I figured i'd share it with you. Then I proceeded to bathe my dog, talk to Jordan (yay!), and then come across something I didn't really want to think about ... but it is inevitably being pushed in my face. I love the whole "Surrender this to me, dear child!" thing that God says, and then it still ends up poking you in the rear and you find yourself shaking your head and saying, "Remind me how to surrender it if it won't leave me alone?" that's kind of how I feel today. It's okay though, it's a process! Surrender is a process.

My to do list for the rest of the day looks a little something like this:

1. make my bed (that i am still sitting in at....3:48)
2. take a shower
3. get dressed
4. go get coffee
5. read my wonderful Bible
6. return movies from family movie night
7. hang out with some friends

So sadly, my day will begin at about 4:00 today, but that is okay! God has mercy on me. Thank you Jesus! I know what all of you are probably thinking (because it's probably what I hear 17 times a day): "Get a job you lazy bum! Get up and do something with your life!" Well, while I don't disagree... I am still claiming it "summer vacation" until Aug. 25 or so. I hope that all is well with each of you and that you found yourself out of bed at a respectable time today and have had a productive day thus far...pray that I'll start doing that. I need to do that.

Love, Ashlin :)


  1. I've been on the other end of the spectrum for a week up until today...It's good to be productive, don't get me wrong but you can run and run and do and do and do to the point where you feel exhausted in everyway and you wonder where the times in your life were where you actually had TIME for quiet time..or relaxation. I believe both are equally unhealthy. We need balance in our lives haha..I went from one extreme to the next. Remember I was sleeping LATER than you haha. Now..I get up 6 hours earlier..what a transition. You're not alone in surrender...but I will leave you with this:

    "The greatness of a man's power is in the measure of his surrender."
    William Booth (1829-1912)

    Miss you love you,

  2. ya little tute. Don't worry 'bout it. Just work on consistently getting up a little earlier each day. You have to train your body. It'll do it, you just have to get in bed sooner and keep it on a schedule.

    As for surrendering and things poking you in the rear...I hear you. It's funny you mention that because the last thing on my google search box is Joy William's lyrics for her song "Surrender." You should look it up if you don't know that one (Though if you actually did not know a song it would blow my mind). You're right...surrender is a process. It's the daily struggle to trust God more than our own ability and in that act, lay down that thing that pokes us in the rear. If you skip a day, the poke hurts worse the next.

    Love you much, my pud. Keep pressing.
    Jade :)
