Monday, August 10, 2009

Day of Rest

So... This morning, I woke up at 12. I realize that is completely pitiful, but considering we just finished a three day conference at church and I barely got any sleep, I needed the day to sleep in. The conference was absolutely amazing and God did so many awesome things. He did a lot in my life personally and I know that some things I experienced will forever change my life! I miss being in the presence of God corporately, but I'm so thankful that I can be in his presence at any given time! Anyway, I went and had lunch at the famous Elizabeth's Pizza today. My friend Sarah and I always go there on our lunch dates! It's one of the reasons we're such great friends, because she's the only other person I know (besides myself) who is obsessed with Elizabeth's and gets amped up about their lunch special! I have to say that today is going to be my lazy day, I'm sitting in my bed right now just relaxing in pajamas. I've spent the last week cleaning this house and I need some time to recover! We've been remodeling since May and I'm so glad to see it coming to a close! It all started when my room flooded while I was in Montreat with Jordan......I had no idea that one pipe bursting would cause so much damage, but my room has been done for a we just decided to re-do everything! The kitchen looks like a dream compared to before and the living room looks twice it's former size! It's a blessing to have everything put together! I enjoyed the little bit of time I had by myself this weekend in my clean home. I felt accomplished after cleaning, doing laundry, grocery shopping, taking care of the dog...but I will admit it's exhausting! Props to all the mom's who do it alone...DAILY! So anyway, after all of that...I'm designating today a "day of rest!" I'm thinking of watching Echelon Conspiracy in a little bit, it looks super good! I have a weird fascination with government conspiracy type stuff....I always have. That's probably why when my friend Melissa introduced me to the tv show ALIAS I watched the entire series (5 seasons) in about a week and a half. I'm so ADD, I somehow just got off on writing this and was watching an interview with Kate Gosselin and then read John Mark Mcmillans blog... apparently I lack the skill of focusing. (P.S. John Mark's blog was excellent today, so go read it!) So that's been my day so far! I'm going to devise a plan on how to get the dog back onto the porch and out of my room! Hope you all have a blessed one!

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