Thursday, June 24, 2010

“I hoped that the trip would be the best of all journeys: a journey into ourselves” -Shirley Maclaine

I can't believe the trip is over. I realize that it was only two days, but it felt like a lifetime of excitement. There was so much that happened that I am not even sure i've processed yet. As for the things I have processed, here they go.

The trip started off well, until we reached a town that smelled like sewer and Jordan and I switched positions. I became the driver and she became the passenger. As we headed into the mountains, I don't think anything could've contained our excitement. When we reached the ridiculous (or some other word that you probably would gasp at) town of Cosby we found that we had somewhat lost our way. Well, when all else fails, go straight. Well, unfortunately any other way would've been better, but whatever. We ended up driving up a random mountain for at least 30 minutes (which ended up being an hour trip all together) and came to the top (where there was no civilization) to see RANDOM construction workers chilling on the mountain. This precious old man knew I was lost, so he proceeded to ask where we were headed and inform us that the road we were on turned into a dead end/dirt road. YAY. He then had me turn around on the mountain. It was narrow, it was rocky, there were no guard rails and if you were to accidentally hit the wrong pedal, you would be flung off into the abyss.

Finally, after deep breaths and barely tapping the gas, I got turned around and started down the winding mountain. Needless to say, I almost had a panic attack, but thank God we made it. We then went toward Gatlinburg, only to realize that we didn't REALLY know where we were going because thanks to Google Maps they left off over HALF of the directions. We decided to call the place we'd reserved and the conversation went a little something like this:

Jordan: "Yes, we're looking for you and we're out near Jellystone park."
Jordan (looking distraught explains to the lady how we got where we were.)
Lady: "Oh, you're rite! you're rite! Just keep on a comin and turn at stop light 3!"

After realizing we weren't completely off, we continued on our trip. As we passed drove over the Pigeon Forge line we both looked to our left to see Riveredge Park (our place to stay) flying by on our right. We proceeded to turn around and then around again before we figured out how to get into the place. When we finally did get in, the lady laughed "SO YOU GOT HERE?!" She sent us to our cabin and we threw all of our stuff inside. It was perfect in every sense of the word. Bare (only one room with beds, a fridge and a microwave) Secluded, but near people, safe, but adventurous; it was everything we'd hoped for.

That night was spent in time with the Lord. I'm not going to lie it was the hardest night for me. I began to get super frustrated because I didn't feel like I was getting much of anything. I would get a random line here or there or a verse. I knew they were things from the Lord, but they didn't seem really significant. It was frustrating.

The next day, Jordan and I decided to go on a hike to Laurel Falls. Let me just say that I wasn't exactly pumped about it when the lady at the help center informed us there had been recent bear spottings and fatalities. I pretty much freaked. Wild animals that can tear my face off do not excite me. Despite her startling news, we started on our hike and it was absolutely beautiful. I was still nervous though and began to pray and ask the Lord for protection and that I wouldn't see a bear. To my dismay, he gave me an impression that I wasn't going to get that prayer answered, but that I would be okay. Needless to say, I freaked out.

Anyway, when Jordan and I reached the top it was absolutely beautiful the falls were breathtaking and it was worth the sweat and fear it took to get there. We sat by the falls for quite some time and took it all in. That's when the Lord really began to speak to me...and to my surprise and delight, he tied in the few things he'd given me the night before. Apparently, they had been more significant than I'd thought. The falls were absolutely my favorite part of our trip.

On our hike back down a rather ridiculously enthusiastic lady decided to inform us there was a bear 3/10 of a mile back down the mountain. Oh joy. "He's soooo cute!" she added skipping up to the falls. I wanted to pop her in the mouth. It was a bear for Pete's sake! Of course, I freaked out, but Jordan reminded me that we had to get back down at some point. I walked slowly and cautiously wondering when we would stumble upon Yogi and meet our doom. Well, it wasn't hard to find him because there were about 25 hikers lined across the narrow path of the hike taking pictures and oohing and ahhing. I snapped my pics and decided to get away from a CNN headline waiting to happen. Before I could go, I heard the most ridiculous comments. "He looks like a puppy!!!!!" to which I thought, maam, he doesn't he's a bear. You know what? He could eat you, shoot, he probably would eat you. Better yet, he's a cub so his mother will eat you. Followed by, "Do you think he'll fall?" Hmm, well should we stick around to find out? I couldn't believe how ridiculous people were over a LIVE and DANGEROUS animal. Nevertheless, it was a neat experience to see him in his natural habitat. I loved it, but I would've loved it more for both he and I if people just snapped a few pics and walked away quietly to leave him be. They were disturbing nature and it was somewhat heartbreaking. The revelation that came from that was even greater than I'd expected. After the hike, we spent that night having quiet time as well, this time it was a little easier and Jordan and I got to talk about some cool revelations that we both got.

The next morning, the morning to leave we stopped for breakfast on our way through Cherokee and back to home. We ate at this Log Cabin Pancake place. Unfortunately, we almost experienced death by freezer burned waffles and purple chocolate milk. It was probably the most repulsive experience of my life, but we had a good laugh. We drove through Cherokee and then on to Asheville where we met up with the lovely Jada Parker and had a two hour long dinner with her. It was good to see a friendly face and eat fantastic burritos!

Like I said, I still haven't processed everything. God revealed a lot on this trip about myself, my future, my dreams and the things that he has for me. I'm excited, a little nervous and all together rested and relaxed. It was a needed trip at the perfect time. I think there's definitely a time for all of us to do this, just to get away. Let go of the distractions, noises, technology, worries and just focus in on what the Lord is trying to say and do in our lives. I'm thankful that he gave us a wonderful opportunity, full of laughs, funny people and exciting revelations.


  1. Thanks for writing all of this out..It was cool to see all the pictures in my mind as I read this, like a movie. I love the one wrong move and we'd fall into the abyss.haha, pretty much! Best trip ever..God even changed our names. Pudelia and tibulosis. :)

  2. Hi! I just came across your blog and I'm interested to read more. Nice to "meet" you!
