"Speaking as a completely objective third party observer with absolutely no personal interest in the matter..."
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Decisions have been made.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Resurrection in May (Booksneeze Review)

Friday, July 9, 2010
"stuck outside the walls of eden...standin' on our tiptoes just to catch a glimpse..."
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Birthdays and Days full of Bliss.

Friday, July 2, 2010
Photographs & Memories

Thursday, June 24, 2010
“I hoped that the trip would be the best of all journeys: a journey into ourselves” -Shirley Maclaine
On our hike back down a rather ridiculously enthusiastic lady decided to inform us there was a bear 3/10 of a mile back down the mountain. Oh joy. "He's soooo cute!" she added skipping up to the falls. I wanted to pop her in the mouth. It was a bear for Pete's sake! Of course, I freaked out, but Jordan reminded me that we had to get back down at some point. I walked slowly and cautiously wondering when we would stumble upon Yogi and meet our doom. Well, it wasn't hard to find him because there were about 25 hikers lined across the narrow path of the hike taking pictures and oohing and ahhing. I snapped my pics and decided to get away from a CNN headline waiting to happen. Before I could go, I heard the most ridiculous comments. "He looks like a puppy!!!!!" to which I thought, No..no maam, he doesn't he's a bear. You know what? He could eat you, shoot, he probably would eat you. Better yet, he's a cub so his mother will eat you. Followed by, "Do you think he'll fall?" Hmm, well should we stick around to find out? I couldn't believe how ridiculous people were over a LIVE and DANGEROUS animal. Nevertheless, it was a neat experience to see him in his natural habitat. I loved it, but I would've loved it more for both he and I if people just snapped a few pics and walked away quietly to leave him be. They were disturbing nature and it was somewhat heartbreaking. The revelation that came from that was even greater than I'd expected. After the hike, we spent that night having quiet time as well, this time it was a little easier and Jordan and I got to talk about some cool revelations that we both got.
The next morning, the morning to leave we stopped for breakfast on our way through Cherokee and back to home. We ate at this Log Cabin Pancake place. Unfortunately, we almost experienced death by freezer burned waffles and purple chocolate milk. It was probably the most repulsive experience of my life, but we had a good laugh. We drove through Cherokee and then on to Asheville where we met up with the lovely Jada Parker and had a two hour long dinner with her. It was good to see a friendly face and eat fantastic burritos!
Like I said, I still haven't processed everything. God revealed a lot on this trip about myself, my future, my dreams and the things that he has for me. I'm excited, a little nervous and all together rested and relaxed. It was a needed trip at the perfect time. I think there's definitely a time for all of us to do this, just to get away. Let go of the distractions, noises, technology, worries and just focus in on what the Lord is trying to say and do in our lives. I'm thankful that he gave us a wonderful opportunity, full of laughs, funny people and exciting revelations.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
“Adventure must start with running away from home” --William Bolitho
I don't know if you remember, but in my "adventure seeking" post I said: These next few weeks are going to be about adventure for me. I don't know how or what, but I'm going to do SOMETHING adventurous. Dont' worry, I'll post when that happens. :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
books, laziness and blahness.
Friday, June 11, 2010
thou hast coveted... so now what?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Running Down The Aisle.
In the midst of our deciding a cheery blonde lady called out to us, "are you buying for (insert bride's name here)?"
We stopped and looked at each other and then looked to the lady. "Yeah."
She smiled graciously, "Oh, well I've already picked that up, but you can have it if you'd like."
I obviously wasn't about to raid this woman's shopping cart so we refused her offer and decided to move on.
Jordan and I found another item that we thought would be great, but we knew that wrapping it would be a nightmare. There was no way to find a box big enough for this thing! So, then I set off to find something else instead. Walking back through, I spotted a lady from our church who I knew was buying for the same bride.
I called out hello to her in a chippery voice, but wasn't feeling so chippery. This was one more person we had to beat and compete to get a good gift. She smiled and talked about how she was having trouble finding a gift that was easy to wrap. Join the club.
When she walked away to continue her quest, we overheard a young woman with her cute baby in tow talking about her purchase on the phone. "Well, they're registered at Bed Bath and Beyond too."
Jordan and I stopped and turned to each other. As our mouths dropped open, Jordan dramatically squeals, "She's here for them too!!"
I moaned and gripped the handles on my cart. I was determined to get a good gift and one that could be wrapped because Jordan had found PERFECT wrapping paper for $1.00. I swerved the buggy down the next aisle and took off at an impressive speed. On our way, we spotted a couple walking around with a registry in their hand as well, pointing at gifts that we had already seen. At this point we became paranoid and started to wonder if everyone invited to the wedding was shopping in Target at this EXACT moment.
We stopped at another aisle and then another, still in a panic to find something. A few minutes into our search the lady from our church came prancing back through. "OH, I found the perfect gift! This is just what I was looking for." It was big, it was nice, it was expensive.
Jordan and I looked at each other in disbelief. Would we ever find the perfect gift in this ridiculous race? We decided to take off, we couldn't give up just yet!
Finally, after running halfway through the store we arrived at our next destination. The aisle was blocked with carts, so I sprinted to the other end and turned on two wheels at the other end. When I stopped to catch my breath, I looked up to see the first blonde lady smiling and holding the gift I was racing to find. It was the perfect gift and packaged so that it would be super easy to wrap. "Looking for this?" She smiled cunningly, as if she too felt the pressure of this race. I just found myself exploding in laughter. Could this really be happening?
She looked into our cart and then back up. She then approached us, "I just needed something that would fit inside the first gift I picked up."
Jordan moved a little closer. "We were looking for something we could wrap with this perfect wrapping paper." She held up the paper and the woman nodded, "That is perfect."
She sat the gift in my cart. "Here, take this."
I looked up at her, shocked and in awe. "What? Are you sure?"
She nodded, only looking a little disappointed.
Jordan held up the first gift we had considered that was much too large to wrap. "We were going to get this, but it'd be too hard to wrap."
The blonde lady had a twinkle in her eye. "So, you're not getting it now?"
We shook our heads no and all three of us had the same realization. It would fit perfectly inside of the first gift she picked up. She reached down toward it, "Trade?"
I nodded and threw a victorious fist into the air. "Yes, this is perfect! Thank you!"
She smiled and looked just as ecstatic as I felt.
Jordan grabbed my arm. "We have to hurry! Other people could be purchasing this right now! There are about a billion people in here buying for the same people. What if they purchase it before us?"
I couldn't let that happen. So, we took off running and found the shortest line. I threw the gift up there and heaved the registry list at the cashier. I slouched in relief as I heard the "ding" of her scanner. We had gotten it.
Jordan then lifted the perfect wrapping paper. "I don't think this is wide enough for our gift."
It was true. The perfect paper would not be wide enough to wrap this gift. It was one of those rolls that was only about half the width of a normal roll. We decided to put it up and get some at Walmart.
Jordan and I held our heads high as we marched out of Target in victory. We had gotten a great gift and a great price! We had been at least a runner-up in the bizarre bridal buying bonanza!
We spent the next two hours looking for wrapping paper. After about ten stores, we resolved that our luck had come to it's end. There was no good wrapping paper to be found, and the only thing suitable was $4.00! We decided to shrug it off and head home. We will continue our wedding gift adventures another day. Be sure, if anything remotely crazy happens on our next outing like it did at Target, I'll be sure to let you know.
Oh, and don't worry. I'll make sure to top this off with spiritual justification. Even Paul encouraged a little bit of competition with these kinds of things ;)
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.-1 Corinthians 9:24
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Untitled Confusion
I also think it's beyond safe to say that the ridiculousness that has become my life has gone on for far too long now. I think it's time to take control, you know? I don't mean take control in the non-christian way (which means...taking control and not "letting go & letting God") but more so in the "God has given me a brain, a voice and a purpose.. it's time to put it to good use!" kind of way. Today opened up my eyes more than almost any other day of my life. Perhaps it was because it was the end of a huge chapter it my life or perhaps because it wasn't when I prayed it would be. I can't exactly explain all of that right now, I just know that God is going to really have to lay this one out for me because I am stumbling around all over the place.
You know what strikes me as odd about my life? I can run and run fast from things that I don't want to face or deal with. I think what's crazy is that normally, God lets me get away with it. Unfortunately and for whatever reason, God does not seem to be letting me run anymore and honestly, I'm a little frustrated about it. If ever there was a time to let me run, I would most certainly think it would be now. I guess my thoughts and God's thoughts are just even more distant than I realized. I keep thinking about this day last summer. I was in Mooresville at a precious friends house and I remember undergoing this crazy break down and if I recall, that's when all of this began. It's like that breakdown was the first in this series of well, whatever this is. It was like for some reason that was the start, I don't know what was unleashed or unbound during that trip...but something happened. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am at a complete loss and not understanding life or anything about it today.
What am I learning from all of this? Live. There's no way to change what's happened, but you can do something about what is happening right now. Love. Whatever you decide to do, however you decide to "take control", do it in love. I have seen that it truly can move mountains. Laugh. Laugh when all is seriously going to crap and you can't believe what you're seeing with your own eyes. Somehow, you must choose to believe that God sees it and has a plan, even if it seems insane and impossible.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Farewell Jack Shephard
Friday, May 21, 2010
Season Finales for BONES and Grey's Anatomy.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
adventure seeking
I've been having these moments lately where I'm thinking, "This is a really stupid idea." It cracks me up because I love those moments. It's in those moments that I take a crazy risk and see crazy results. I think I'm becoming an adrenaline junkie. I love those moments where you dive into something and have no idea what to expect, I love that rush of excitement. So, that's what I'm doing these days, taking risks. They don't always turn out like I hope, but they turn out and that's all that really matters to me.
These next few weeks are going to be about adventure for me. I don't know how or what, but I'm going to do SOMETHING adventurous. Dont' worry, I'll post when that happens. :)