Thursday, May 6, 2010

no longer amish

Yesterday I had to go to Monkeezbrew. Not because I wanted a cup of coffee (although I did indulge once I arrived). I went because the foolish people next door rolled their insanely large mack truck into the parking lot and ripped a power line down. Therefore, we had NO cable, no phone and no internet. That ticked me off for several reasons, but one because it was Thursday and I missed my shows! I was not happy about this, not one little bit! I am going to watch them today, but nevertheless I had to live like an amish person for 24 hours. It was super annoying!
I did get to watch Glee though before all of that happened and it was actually really good. Matthew Morrison rapping and dancing to "Ice baby" just made life a little sweeter. I also watched October Sky the other day. It was my favorite movie as a kid, but it has been years since I've seen it. I watched it the other night and now I recall why it was my favorite. I mean it has Jake Gyllenhaal in it, need I say more? I bought it online after that and it should arrive soon.
I'm trying to get into this show called Mercy. I'm only two episodes in so far, but it's not half bad. We'll see it how it goes the more I watch. I think I'm obsessed with tv shows. I love them. I just want to watch tv series all the time. I wish I had a more beneficial running marathons. Oh well.
So, I'm back at square one trying to figure out my's not easy and I am in need of some serious prayer. I know God will show me in his timing and as I learned yesterday, his timing is a lot cooler than mine. He brings his plans about when you need them.

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