In about 30 min a new Grey's Anatomy episode will be on. I really hope something interesting happens and I really hope no more original characters get cut. They're getting too many new people and it's turning into a mess. I hope something good happens's time for Grey's to step it up!
I've been making these little labels for my uncle's business. I'm truly grateful for the opportunity. But writing Mar 2012 by hand 10,000 times is time consuming and difficult. I will not complain though....the man's timing was PERFECT. My job at Sylvan ended on Monday and I got a call yesterday about this opportunity...I'm thankful the Lord is providing!
I will miss my Sylvan kids. They brought a lot of joy to my life. Their funny little habits and pretty much everything they would say was HYSTERICAL!!! I will truly miss it! I will leave you with a few of their cute quotes.
Little Girl: "My daddy always gives me everything I want. It doesn't matter how much money it is, he will get it for me!"
2nd grade girl staring at me with mouth wide open: "Although I cannot identify you, you look like the girl Lily, from Hannah Montana."
Little Boy (talking to me): "Hey White cracker!"
Me: "My name is NOT white cracker!"
Little Boy: ohh...'scuse me.. MISS white cracker."
oh there are just so many more. I will miss my babies! Off to watch Grey's! Have a great night!
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