Monday, February 1, 2010

snow storm summary

so..what a crazy snow storm we had, huh? I thought I was going to be spending the majority of it stuck in my house with nothing to do. Instead, my uncle and cousins came to get me and I spent the weekend with my aunt, uncle, two cousins, two dogs and two birds. It was quite eventful and full of potato soup. We laughed, watched Amelia, ate, laughed some more, ate, watched the Grammy's, ate, slept, and ate. It was a nice little vacation away! While I had a splendid time, it was also nice to come home today and see my parents. Believe it or not--sometimes i miss them. :)

Jordan was supposed to come home this weekend, but the snow storm prevented it! It was sad news to receive that she wouldn't be coming home! Hopefully she will be able to come soon though! Miss you Jords! So while the snow storm made me mad in that way... it also made me rejoice because I didn't have to work. Go snow!

Now, i'm just sitting in my bed, full on spaghetti and contemplating whether or not to clean my room. I know I will. I just have to motivate myself. Then after my room is clean, i'm going to take a wonderful shower and hunker down and flip on some amazing monday night television. I love Mondays.

Hope you've all enjoyed the snow! :)

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too. Glad that you had fun though...God has a reason for everything!!!
