I'd like to list the 10 most frustrating things to happen to me this week.
10) I missed half of my tv show today because the dog was barking. Someone was at my house talking about "homely" looking people and yelling Boo Boo in my face. Mmm..fun.
9) That every time I agree to give my tutor kids a sticker..they unroll the entire thing. You would think after a month they would notice the stickers go in a pattern, the whole roll is the same!
8) McDonalds down sized their small frappe's. They're smaller than they were at first, not to mention now they stuff the whipped creme down in there and stick one of those nasty plastic lids on top. The whipped cream then get's stuck to the lid and I get to eat none of it. Stupid recession.
7) I have watched every movie in my house and have nothing left to watch. I can't go rent from the video store because I've seen everything there too...not to mention my late fees because I was snowed in. They are going to take those off... i'm going to demand it.
6) My lips are beyond chapped. Worse than my nose. My lips and my nose are chapped. That in itself is enough to ruin anyone's day. It doesn't matter how much I bathe these things in beeswax and blistex it doesn't work. Talk about a waste of $1.25. (I could add that $1.25 to what I paid for my McD's Frappe and go to starbucks..where they give you a dome lid that doesn't smoosh your creme!"
5) I am waiting on my computer to turn off..it's been a few hours and I'm sure it's getting close to overheating. I kinda hope it blows up one day.
4) I watched a demonic lifetime movie. I seriously was sweating bullets and completely stiff as a board unable to move. I've figured out that's what happens to me when I watch a scary movie.. I literally, physically CANNOT move. Thank God for commercials. I finally turned it.
3) I forgot to order the new Emma on DVD. So i'm going to do that now... UGH I could've had it by today if I would've remembered. Mr. Knightley, "it's a quarter 'til 11, I'm all alone and I need you now."
2) I couldn't go see Jordan because it was going to "snow" ...OH MAN..let me tell you about that big snow. can't get out the blessed door. (insert sarcasm)
1) I'm sick..and I mean it's disgusting. My nose is leaking GREEN stuff. I know that's disgusting and TMI, but I just wanted to put that out there into cyberspace. In the event that I leak too much of it and my life comes to it's end.. I wanted you all to know.. it's GREEN. Lime Green. like mushed up pea Gerber baby food!!!! I can barely speak (i'm super hoarse) and like I said previously my nose is chapped. I also ruined a perfectly good towel. I'm not going to give you the gory details on that one...even a stomach of steel couldn't deal with it. OH and apparently it's okay for the rest of the world to get sick.. but the ONE time I do..you better believe it's not okay with the world. Sigh.
Then 5 good things about this week....
5) I'm about to eat McDonalds.. I told my Dad to get me a crispy ranch snack wrap. He tried to repeat it back to me saying "a crisky ranch nack shrapped." Like always, I had to write it down for him... but that's no surprise considering he is the son of the woman who renamed Sonic's "Wacky Pack" kid's meal ....the "Smacky Burger"
4) My dog has felt oddly affectionate toward me lately. At first, I thought she was trying to voluntarily give me kisses.. but now I think it's my vitamin c cough drops and she's trying to eat them out of my mouth. Cute.
3) Everyone's having babies. It makes me kind of jealous.. but it also makes me happy. New life is coming to this Earth.. Lord knows we need to raise up some kids with some sense.
2) God revealed to me something really really cool about my name. It was super exciting
1) My mother actually quoted something I said to her earlier today and said "it's like ashlin said............" it was a great compliment. I almost teared up a little bit ;)
10:5.. I know that's pretty pitiful. But I'm just a better pessimist than optimist. If you don't like it...take it up with my mother, father and sister... somehow we all got it :-P!
signing out,
love you all!