Friday, October 23, 2009

i've been praying for this.

I love pictures. I have always been somewhat fascinated with them; how they freeze a moment in time and you can truly keep it forever. Yet, I have always been somewhat disappointed that no matter how wonderful a picture or how talented the photographer, a picture never captures perfectly what our eyes see. I see a camera as almost a counterfeit of what God has made. Don't get me wrong, I love pictures, I will continue to take them and I think they can 100% bring glory to God. I think what I'm saying though is that God made our eyes to take in some of the most beautiful things, they are perfect lenses..and he made our memory to keep those images with us always. A camera, is just the same thing. Except unfortunately, the lenses never quite measures up to the ones God has made and they never see the object of it's focus as beautiful as someone looking at it with only their eyes. Today was one of the most beautiful days and I am convinced that no matter the photographer they could've never captured it perfectly. Camera lenses will just never compare to our eyes that God has made. Not only that, they cannot capture our feelings perfectly either. While you can get an emotion from looking at a photograph (which is one of my fav. things about them) you can not feel all that they originally contained, because you are no longer in that moment...or for an onlooker, they were never in that moment.

I am not sure what made me think of this today..but it's been on my mind. That this season of my life, no one can quite capture or wrap their mind around it. It's something that I can't explain in words, art, music, pictures.. it's just beyond all of that. It is glorious, yet it is heart wrenching, it is familiar and somehow completely new. It is everything I said I never wanted, but secretly I've been desperate for it for such a long time. I am ready for whatever God is about to do. I'm so ready.

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